TTRN – CITRIS International Summer Institute August 10–14, 2020 at University of California, Berkeley.
The Danish-American Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN) is dedicated to developing cutting-edge research and innovation within telehealth. The 2020 topics include research methods and approaches for health informatics, tele- and digital-health, plus a special focus on data science, robotics, artificial intelligence, and associated data governance and ethical-legal issues.
Doctoral students and post-doctoral trainees may apply to be a Fellow which comes with partial funding. Fellowship applications will be accepted on a rolling basis from January 8, 2020 to February 28, 2020. Priority will be given to early applicants.
Advanced master’s students and faculty new to the topic area may register on a space available basis starting March 1. 2020
Program Committee: Chair Katherine Kim, Birthe Dinesen, Nick Anderson, Kristian Kidholm, David Lindeman, and Student Representative Cynthia Matsumoto.
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