TTRN in Webinar on “International Telehealth Practices: Europe”

The National Telehealth Research Network of the Brazilian University Telemedicine Network (RUTE) is presenting a webinar November 28th on “International Telehealth Practices: Europe”.

The webinar features two presentations on telehealth implementation in Europe, provided via the Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN) and InTouch Health (members of the ISfTeH network).

The TTRN presentation Telerehabilitation of patients with Chronic Obstructive Disease (COPD) – from pilot to large scale implementation in Denmark is presented by: Prof. Birthe Dinesen, Laboratory for Welfare Technologies, Telehealth & Telerehabilitation, Integrative Neuroscience Research Group, SMI, Department of Health Science and Technology, Faculty of Medicine, Aalborg University, Denmark & Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network, Denmark/USA

The webinar is scheduled for Tuesday November 28th, starting at 14:30 BRST / 17:30 CET.
If you would like to attend this webinar, contact us at and we will send you the login instructions.

Personalised Telehealth in the future – presented in Japan

On the occasion of the year celebrating the 150 years anniversary of the diplomatic relations and friendship between Japan and Denmark, the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Royal Danish Embassy in Tokyo have organized the seminar “PHOTONICS CREATING THE FUTURE!” at the Tokyo International Forum in Japan November 16 2017.

“Photonics” has been chosen as a memorial topic because a Danish company, The Great Northern Telegraph Company (大北電信会社) established connections between Japan and the world by laying the first international submarine cable for Japan in 1871.

At the seminar researchers from Japan and Denmark gave talks on avariety of topics from fundamental research to future applications. I was invited to present telehealth ”Personalized Telehealth in the future: Examples from Danish Research Projects” as a new application area for future collaboration between Denmark and Japan. There was a big interest for future collaboration.

Future Patient på Landskursus for Kardiologiske Sygeplejersker

Mandag d 13. november deltog Future Patient – telerehabilitering af hjertesvigtspatienter, med et indlæg på Landskonference for kardiologiske sygeplejersker på Comwell i Middelfart. Der deltog omkring 150 kardiologiske sygeplejersker fra hele landet. Oplægsholdere var Marianne Lønvig, afdelingssygeplejerske Hjerteklinikken, Regionshospitalet Viborg, Malene Hollingdal, overlæge Hjertesygdomme Regionshospitalet Viborg, Phd studerende Søren Sleth, AAU og patient Tina Møller. Projektsygeplejerske Lene Horsfeldt deltog ligeledes i panelet ved fremlæggelsen af projektet.

Der var stor interesse for projektet og spørgelysten var enorm, ikke mindst patientens fortælling om sit hjertesvigtsforløb og medvirken i Future Patient, vakte stor anerkendelse og bidrog til en livlig debat og positiv feedback.

Alt i alt en spændende og inspirerende dag, hvor Future Patient var genstand for megen omtale.

Yderligere information om Landskursus 2017.

Stor interesse for Wearables ved eCardiology konference Berlin

Den 9-10 November blev Future Patient præsenteret ved den årlige eCardiology konference i Berlin.

Fantastisk inspirerende at høre nogle af verdens eksperter diskutere emner indenfor innovationer i telemonitorering/telerehabilitering af hjertesvigtspatienter.

Gennem konferencen blev der udvist stor interesse for brugen af wearables til patient management og monitorering.

Norge er interesseret i telerehabilitering

Onsdag den 25 oktober 2017 have Laboratoriet for Velfærdsteknologi besøg af sundhedsprofessionelle og IT-konsulenter fra Sunnaas Sykehus i Norge. Sunnaas Sygehus er Norges mest anerkendte sygehus inden for rehabilitering. Formålet med besøget var at hente inspiration til, hvordan telerehabilitering kan blive et fremtidigt tilbud i det norske sundhedsvæsen.

Efter besøget på AAU besøgte den norske delegation Skive Sundhedshus for blandt andet at høre om Future Patient – telerehabilitering af hjertesvigtspatienter.

TTRN Konference, USA 2017

Global Innovation in Telehealth:
Private & Public Sector Opportunities

25-26. september 2017, Citris UC Berkeley, USA

DKs nye TECH ambassadør Kasper Klynge og forskningsattache Jeppe Olesen deltog i åbning af konferencen: Global Innovation in Telehealth – Private & Public Sector Opportunities på CITRIS UC Berkeley den 25. september. Konferencen er arrangeret af Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN) og forsætter den 26. september på UC Davis. Laboratoriet for Velfærdsteknologi præsenterer Future Patient – telerehabilitation af hjerte- og knæpatienter på konferencen.

Sponsor: CDW USA

Invitation kan hentes her.

Guest professor for two months

We are delighted to have Dr. Marcin who is a Professor and Chief of the Division of Pediatric Critical Care at the UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento in California  as a guest professor for two months this summer. We are collaborating with Dr Marcin through the Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN).

Dr. Marcin is currently the director of the Pediatric Telemedicine Program at the UC Davis Center for Health and Technology. In addition to being passionate about his clinical work in the Pediatric ICU, he conducts research in telemedicine and quality of care, particularly as it relates to acutely ill and injured children in rural and underserved Emergency Department. His team’s focus is to improve the care delivered to children throughout Northern California, and how telemedicine and other mobile technologies can be used to have UC Davis Pediatric Specialists virtually at the bedside of any child in need.

OUH Talk

Telemedicine in Pediatrics: Increasing quality and reducing costs (YouTube).

PhD kursus: Personalized Telehealth, Informatics and Person-centered Technology

Invitation til PhD kursus (gennemføres på engelsk):

Personalized Telehealth, Informatics and Person-centered Technology
– an Interdisciplinary Approach

Tid: 27. august – 1. september 2017
Sted: Aalborg Universitet


This course will give a comprehensive introduction to personalized telehealth in an interdisciplinary approach by addressing challenges in future personalized healthcare systems from design of new technologies, data mining and implementation to evaluation of telehealth programs at scale.The learning goals for the students are:

  • To give students an insight into design, testing, implementation and evaluation of personalized telehealth, informatics and patient-centered technology for patients with chronic diseases
  • To give students the possibility to create networks with other PhD students and international researchers within telehealth and health informatics

You can read more about the course in this PDF.