New grant for the continuation of Future Patient

We have just received a grant of 5 million kroner for the continuation of Future Patient – telerehabilitation of cardiac patients. We will work on preparing an implementation of the project, and adapt the to rehabilitation of atrial fibrillation patients.

We are looking forward to the next steps in the process, and would like to thank the Aage og Johanne Louis Hansens Foundation for the support.

Future Patient for heart patients will be presented in Norway

Future Patient for heart patients will be presented at EHiN 2018 in Oslo, Norway, on November 14:
E-rehabilitation: Currents status, benefits and challenges, “Pros and cons on telerehabilitation of patient with heart failure” by professor Birthe Dinesen

And on November 15 at Innovasjonskonferensen 2018 i Værnes:
“Future patient” – Telerehabilitering av hjertepasienter ved bruk av ny egenoppfølgingsteknologi by professor Birthe Dinesen
– see Program (PDF).

TTRN PhD course: Research Methods in Personalized Health Informatics

The Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN) is having the 2nd PhD course at UC Davis and UC Berkeley this week in California.

The PhD course is called “Research Methods in Personalized Health Informatics”.

The program focus on the current and next generation of technologies, research design methodologies, health communities and models of digital health care, taught by interdisciplinary faculty from policy to engineering.

There are faculty and PhD students from UC Davis, Betty Irene Moore Nursing School, UC Berkeley, Aalborg University, Southern Danish University, CIMT Odense University Hospital, Danish Technical University and Aalborg University Hospital. In 2019 the TTRN PhD course take place at CIMT, Odense University Hospital in Denmark.