Future Patient and the Video Assist projects will be presented at Med-e-Tel

Future Patient and the Videoassist projects will be presented at Med-e-Tel den 5-7 April 2017 i Luxembourg

PhD student Claus Østergaard have had an abstract accepted and will present it at the conference:

Tele-social-rehabilitation as a tool for individualised recovery programs for citizens with mental illness.  Østergaard, Claus Ugilt; Dinesen, Birthe Irene. 2017. Abstract from Med-e-Tel, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth, ISfTeH, Luxembourg, Luxemborg.

Birthe Dinesen presenting af Med-e-TelAssociate professor Birthe Dinesen have had an abstract accepted and will present it at the conference:

Development and pilot test of a telerehabilitation program for patients with heart failure: the Future Patient project . Dinesen, Birthe; Spindler, Helle; Leth, Søren; Hansen, John; Refsgaard, Jens; Hollindal, Malene. 2017. Abstract from Med-e-Tel, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth, ISfTeH, Luxembourg, Luxemborg.

Further the research project Future Patient – telerehabilitation of patients with heart failure will be presented on a workshop within telecardiology.


As part of the conference we will have a boot on the Laboratory of Welfare Technologies – telehealth & telerehabilitation and the Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN).


Follow the conference here:  https://www.medetel.eu/

Netværksmøde i Lungeforeningen

12. januar 2017 er der netværksmøde i Lungeforeningen med fokus på telemedicin og telerehabilitering.

Der vil bl.a. være oplæg om “Telerehabilitering – potentiale og udbredelse” ved

  • Birthe Dinesen, Lektor, Laboratoriet for Velfærdsteknologi – Telesundhed & Telerehabilitering, Aalborg Universitet
  • Charlotte Thysen, sygeplejerske, Esbjerg Sundhedscenter Højvang
  • Line Kloster Hunderup, fysioterapeut, Esbjerg Sundhedscenter Højvang

Hvis du har spørgsmål til netværksmødet, skal du være meget velkommen til at kontakte sekretær i Lungeforeningen Cille Gad Malm på info@lunge.dk.

Temamøde, Nordjysk Netværk for Velfærdsteknologi

Invitation til at møde forskere fra Institut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi, Aalborg Universitet/EIR:

Det er lykkedes at samle en række spændende forskere, som vil: fortælle om deres anvendelsesorienterede forskning inden for velfærdsteknologi, forebyggelse og rehabilitering; fortælle om deres erfaringer med kommunesamarbejder i form af forsknings/udviklingsprojekter og studentersamarbejder samt endelig komme ind på nogle af de metodikker de anvender omkring brugerinddragelse fra idé‐generering til afprøvning og implementering.
Se vedlagte invitation.

Onsdag den 8. februar 2017, kl. 13.00 – 16.00
Aalborg Universitet, Frederik Bajers Vej 7, 9220 Aalborg Ø

Read about the results from Teledi@log – telerehabilitation of heart patients

The Steering Committee for the Teledi@log project wanted to convey the results from the project to a wider audience in order that the successes of the project can generate inspiration for implementation of tele-rehabilitation programs for heart patients in collaboration between cardiac units and health centers in Denmark. Our results have shown that if we plan an individual rehabilitation for heart patients combined with the use of new technology, we can get more heart patients to actively participate in rehabilitation. Heart Patients express that tele-rehabilitation is an equally good alternative as rehabilitation at a hospital or in a municipal health center. We hope that the results of the project can be an inspiration for future cardiac rehabilitation in Denmark and internationally.

We will recommend you to see a video of the Teledilog project at YouTube, and read about the results from the Teledi@log project at www.teledialog.dk.

Teledialog Pjece 2016 in Danish.