TTRN in Webinar on “International Telehealth Practices: Europe”

The National Telehealth Research Network of the Brazilian University Telemedicine Network (RUTE) is presenting a webinar November 28th on “International Telehealth Practices: Europe”.

The webinar features two presentations on telehealth implementation in Europe, provided via the Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN) and InTouch Health (members of the ISfTeH network).

The TTRN presentation Telerehabilitation of patients with Chronic Obstructive Disease (COPD) – from pilot to large scale implementation in Denmark is presented by: Prof. Birthe Dinesen, Laboratory for Welfare Technologies, Telehealth & Telerehabilitation, Integrative Neuroscience Research Group, SMI, Department of Health Science and Technology, Faculty of Medicine, Aalborg University, Denmark & Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network, Denmark/USA

The webinar is scheduled for Tuesday November 28th, starting at 14:30 BRST / 17:30 CET.
If you would like to attend this webinar, contact us at and we will send you the login instructions.

Personalised Telehealth in the future – presented in Japan

On the occasion of the year celebrating the 150 years anniversary of the diplomatic relations and friendship between Japan and Denmark, the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the Royal Danish Embassy in Tokyo have organized the seminar “PHOTONICS CREATING THE FUTURE!” at the Tokyo International Forum in Japan November 16 2017.

“Photonics” has been chosen as a memorial topic because a Danish company, The Great Northern Telegraph Company (大北電信会社) established connections between Japan and the world by laying the first international submarine cable for Japan in 1871.

At the seminar researchers from Japan and Denmark gave talks on avariety of topics from fundamental research to future applications. I was invited to present telehealth ”Personalized Telehealth in the future: Examples from Danish Research Projects” as a new application area for future collaboration between Denmark and Japan. There was a big interest for future collaboration.

Future Patient presented at Conference for Cardiology Nurses

Future Patient – telerehabilitation of patients with heart failure was presented at a conference for cardiology nurses at Comwell in Middelfart, Monday November 13th. Approx 150 cardilogist nurses from all Denmark participated. Speakers were Marianne Lønvig, Head Nurse, Heart Clinic, Regionshospitalet Viborg, Malene Hollingdal, Chief Physician, Heart Clinic, Regionshospitalet Viborg, Phd Student Søren Sleth, Aalborg University (AAU) and the patient Tina Møller. Project nurse Lene Horsfeldt also particpated in the panel at the presentation.

The project was subject to great interest and the inquisitiveness, especially the patients story raised great recognition and contributed to a lively debate and positive feedback.

All in all a thrilling and inspiring day, where Future Patient was the subject of much discussion.

Great interest in wearable technologies at the eCardiology conference in Berlin

On 9-10 November, Future Patient was presented at the annual eCardiology conference in Berlin.

It was inspiring to hear some of the worlds experts discuss subjects within innovations in telemonitoring/telerehabilitation of heart failure patients.

Throughout the conference a great interest was shown in wearable technologies for the use of wearables for patient management.

Norway is interested in telerehabilitation

Wednesday, October 25 2017, the Laboratory for Welfare Technology had a visit from health professionals and IT consultants from Sunnaas Hospital in Norway. Sunnaas Hospital is Norway’s most recognized hospital in rehabilitation. The purpose of the visit was to gain inspiration for how telerehabilitation can be a future service in the Norwegian health care system.

Following the visit at AAU, the Norwegian delegation visited Skive Health House to hear about Future Patient – rehabilitation of heart failure patients.

How can the vet work with telerehabilitation? (in Danish)

Fredag den 6. oktober holdt Den Danske Dyrlægeforening generalforsamling på Vingstedcentret ved Vejle. Birthe Dinesen havde fornøjelsen af at give indlæg om telesundhed og telerehabilitering i sundhedsvæsenet som inspiration for dyrlægerne. Gennemgang af den videnskabelige litteratur inden for veterinærområdet viser, at brug af telemedicin stadigvæk er i sin vorden i Danmark og internationalt dog er der begyndt at blive udviklet aktivitets trackere til heste og hunde og videoløsninger er i brug. Det bliver spændende at følge området i årene fremover.