Visit from Japan

Today Laboratory for Welfare Technology – Digital Health & Rehabilitation, AAU and JD TeleTech had visitors: Anne-Marie Thoft, Invest in Denmark; Masaki Teraoka, the Royal Danish Embassy in Tokyo and Akihiro Sakurai, KMD (DNP), Yusuke Matsuura, DNP; Mika Yasuoka-Jensen, RUC; Mao Uchida Japannordic and team.

We discussed the new digitalization strategi in Denmark within digital health and research collaboration possibilities within digital health between Denmark and Japan.

So nice to be able to meet in persons again.

Job som studentermedhjælpere

Vi søger studentermedhjælpere til Laboratorie for Velfærdsteknologi – Digital Sundhed & Rehabilitering. Opgaverne favner alt fra pakning af udstyr til hjemmemonitorering, interviews af patienter, kvalitetssikring af data, udarbejde video og andet materiale til SoMe, hjælpe med afholdelse af workshops og konferencer, mv.

Se opslag her:

Deadline: 24. maj 2022.

Vi håber at se en ansøgning fra dig.

Phd Summer School Cleveland August 2022

Transatlantic Telemonitoring Research Network (TTRN) presents a PhD Summer Course:

Digital Healthcare and Data Science: Moving Toward Innovative Healthcare Solutions

Venue: Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA
Date: Aug. 11-12, 2022


  1. To provide a comprehensive introduction to “big data” research methods used in digital healthcare technologies aimed at providing “service” and “engagement” value to end users
  2. To present innovative ways that digital solutions and technologies can incorporate big data and artificial intelligence to move heath care structures, systems and processes forward. During the course, students will examine possibilities by describing and discussing the methods they plan to use in their PhD dissertation project
  3. To increase the sphere of international influence of PhD students by networking with other PhD students and early, mid and late career academic and clinical scientists and clinicians.

Program and Registration

For further information please follow this link and/or download flyer here.

PhD studie: e-Dialog – eksempel på ny digitaliseringsstrategi i DK

e-Dialog er et PhD forskningsprojekt mellem Orthopædkirurgisk afdeling på Aalborg Universitetshospital & Laboratoriet for Velfærdsteknologi, Aalborg Universitet (AAU). Formålet med Phd studiet er at undersøge patienter, pårørende og sundhedsfagliges oplevelser af at bruge digital kommunikation efter operation og udskrivelse på tværs af sektorer.

Lillie Worre Høpfner Jensen (th), Rikke Emilie Lauritsen

Lillie Worre Høpfner Jensen (til højre på billedet) er PhD studerende på e-Dialog og Rikke Emilie Lauritsen (til venstre) er forskningsassistent.

Dette projekt er et godt eksempel på Danmarks nye digitaliseringsstrategi og visionen om “Digital Health” på Sund Fakultet mellem Aalborg Universitetshospital og AAU. Og så er vi stolte af at Lilli og Rikke-Emilie har taget kandidatuddannelsen i Klinisk Videnskab og Teknologi (KVT) på AAU. PhD-projektet er opstartet på baggrund af Lilli´s speciale på KVT- studiet.

Ny publikation om brug af videogames til hjertepatienter

Den potentielle anvendelse af kommercielt tilgængelige aktive videospil til hjerterehabilitering


Kommercielt tilgængelige aktive videospil (AVG’er) er for nylig blevet brugt til rehabilitering i nogle specifikke patientpopulationer, men sjældent hos dem med kardiovaskulær sygdom (CVD). Kommercielt tilgængelige AVG’er er designet til at øge motivationen for kontinuerlig leg, hvilket kunne være anvendeligt til den langsigtede hjerterehabiliteringsproces.


At vurdere effektiviteten af AVG-induceret fysisk træning, sikkerhed og patientengagement ved at anvende kommercielt tilgængelige AVG’er til hjerterehabilitering.


Scoping review


Blandt 120 gennemgåede artikler var 5 (4,2 %) berettigede til inklusion, hvoraf 3 (2,5 %) blev rapporteret af samme forskningsgruppe. De anvendte AVG-konsoller var Xbox Kinect og Nintendo Wii, og sportsrelaterede programmer blev brugt til interventionen. Der forekom ingen uønskede hjertehændelser i de identificerede undersøgelser, og frafaldsraten havde en tendens til at være lav.


AVG’er ser ud til at være sikre og gennemførlige til at fremme en aktiv livsstil hos patienter med CVD. Effektiviteten af AVG’er alene som en terapeutisk øvelse til at forbedre fysisk funktion kan dog være begrænset.

Link til udgivelsen

International conference: Digital Health Beyond Covid-19: Lessons Learned, August 29-30, 2022

TTRN-CPH2022, International conference: Digital Health Beyond Covid-19 - Lessons Learned; Copenhagen August 29-30, 2022

Aims of conference

  • To present and share experiences on research on implementation of the newest digital health technologies and services in the healthcare sector during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • To identify, communicate and compare lessons learned on digital health beyond COVID-19
  • To identify knowledge gaps and challenges for further research within digital health beyond the pandemic
  • To identify potential opportunities for exchange of knowledge and research collaboration in the field of digital health
  • To provide younger researchers within digital health the opportunity to present their work to a broad range of international scholars and colleagues

Follow this link for further information on program, invitation & call for abstract and posters, grants for younger researchers and more…

Note: Deadline for submission of abstracts has been postponed to May 15.

Novo Nordisk Fonden


Ny publikation om portaler til telerehabilitering

Morimoto Y, Takahashi T, Sawa R, Saitoh M, Morisawa T, Kagiyama N, Kasai T, Dinesen B, Hollingdal M, Refsgaard J, Daida H
Web Portals for Patients With Chronic Diseases: Scoping Review of the Functional Features and Theoretical Frameworks of Telerehabilitation Platforms
J Med Internet Res 2022;24(1):e27759
doi: 10.2196/27759PMID: 35084355


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has required an increased need for rehabilitation activities applicable to patients with chronic diseases. Telerehabilitation has several advantages, including reducing clinic visits by patients vulnerable to infectious diseases. Digital platforms are often used to assist rehabilitation services for patients in remote settings. Although web portals for medical use have existed for years, the technology in telerehabilitation remains a novel method.

Objective: This scoping review investigated the functional features and theoretical approaches of web portals developed for telerehabilitation in patients with chronic diseases.

Methods: PubMed and Web of Science were reviewed to identify articles associated with telerehabilitation. Of the 477 nonduplicate articles reviewed, 35 involving 14 portals were retrieved for the scoping review. The functional features, targeted diseases, and theoretical approaches of these portals were studied.

Results: The 14 portals targeted patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular, osteoarthritis, multiple sclerosis, cystic fibrosis diseases, and stroke and breast cancer survivors. Monitoring/data tracking and communication functions were the most common, followed by exercise instructions and diary/self-report features. Several theoretical approaches, behavior change techniques, and motivational techniques were found to be utilized.

Conclusions: The web portals could unify and display multiple types of data and effectively provide various types of information. Asynchronous correspondence was more favorable than synchronous, real-time interactions. Data acquisition often required assistance from other digital tools. Various functions with patient-centered principles, behavior change strategies, and motivational techniques were observed for better support shifting to a healthier lifestyle. These findings suggested that web portals for telerehabilitation not only provided entrance into rehabilitation programs but also reinforced participant-centered treatment, adherence to rehabilitation, and lifestyle changes over time.

TelePal nomineret af Danske Regioner

Forskningsprojektet TelePal, som har fokus på afslutningen på livet, er nomineret til prisen for Årets Borgerinddragende Initiativ fra Danske Regioner. Det er vi meget stolte af.

Vi har i samarbejde med patienter i palliativt forløb, deres pårørende, sundhedsprofessionelle og forskere udviklet den digitale platform kaldet og et telepalliationsprogram. Formålet med projektet er at øge livskvalitet, tryghed og individualisering hos patienter med behov for lindrende indsats og deres pårørende ved brug af telepalliation, og øge tilgængelighed til sundhedsprofessionelle på tværs af sektorer. Foreløbige resultater viser, at patienterne oplever øget tryghed, livskvalitet og involvering i eget forløb.

Partnere i projektet er: Det Palliative Team på Sydvestjysk Sygehus, CIMT, Odense Universitetshospital og Laboratorie for Velfærdsteknologi – Digital Sundhed & Rehabilitering, Aalborg Universitet. Kræftens Bekæmpelse og Sydvestjysk Sygehus støtter projektet finansielt.

Læs om indstillingen hos Danske Regioner.

Projektet er et godt eksempel på missionsdrevet forskning og er i tråd med AAU´s strategi om ”Digital Health 2030”.