Telerehabilitation of COPD patients reduces hospital admissions

Long-term unsupervised exercise training at home is an effective treatment strategy which can reduce hospital readmissions for patients with COPD, similarly to the effect of a supervised telerehabilitation strategy. These interventions have the potential to improve uptake and access to pulmonary rehabilitation and support long-term exercise maintenance strategies. Unsupervised training at home could be offered to patients with COPD who do not access PR or maintenance programs. Telerehabilitation may be useful for patients who are unsuitable for unsupervised training and need a closer follow-up.

We have had our results published in the well estimated journal: ”American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine”. You can read the paper here.

You can read more about the project here.

The project is a collaboration between Denmark, Norway and Australia. In Denmark the Pulmonary ward of Esbjerg Hospital and Esbjerg Healthcare Center has participated in the clinical part of the study. The Norwegian Research Council of Norway has financed the study.

Knæk Cancer: Kontakt via computeren giver tryghed og god kommunikation

“Carl Erik Lorenz Arnum og Lisbeth Dyrvig har været med til at afprøve den nye digitale platform TelePal, der er udviklet til palliative patienter. Platformen er endnu på forsøgsplanet, men sikrer en god kontakt mellem patienter, pårørende og det palliative team.”

Læs hele artiklen hos Kræftens Bekæmpelse

Arbejdet er støttet af Knæk Cancer.

Du kan læse mere om TelePal-projektet her.

Invitation: PhD Course 2023 at Cleveland Clinic

The Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN) is hosting a PhD Summer course at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio USA in 2023:

Digital Healthcare and Data Science:
Moving Toward Innovative Healthcare Solutions

Date: May 22-23 2023

Price: 339 Dollars

Download flyerRead more and register for the PhD course here.

Course Aims

  1. To provide a comprehensive introduction to big data research methods used in digital healthcare technologies aimed at providing service and engagement value to end users
  2. To present innovative ways that digital solutions and technologies can incorporate big data and artificial intelligence to move health care forward. Students will examine possibilities by describing and discussing the methods they plan to use in their PhD dissertation project
  3. To increase the sphere of international influence of PhD students by enabling them to network with other PhD students and early, mid- and late-career academic and clinical scientists and clinicians

10 years anniversary of TTRN

10 years anniversary of the Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN) was celebrated at the international conference: “Digital Health Beyond Covid-19: Lessons Learned” at Aalborg University in Copenhagen this week. We had the pleasure to have the American Ambassador Alan Leventhal from the US Embassy in Copenhagen visiting the conference and participate in the celebration of TTRN.

US Ambassador at TTRN 10year (CPH2022)

Many lessons learned, knowledge gaps identified and new research ideas developed. All will be collected in a white paper to come out in spring 2023.

Thank you so much to all presenters, technical staff, student helpers, the TTRN and the Novo Nordisk Foundation for supporting the conference.


Results from LOVOT study published

Results from study with persons with dementia and the social robot LOVOT has been published in the international journal: JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies.


The conclusion of the study is:

  • The LOVOT robot is the next generation of social robots with advanced artificial intelligence.
  • The vast majority of persons with dementia accepted the social robot LOVOT.
  • LOVOT had positive effects, opened up communication, and facilitated interpersonal interaction.
  • Although LOVOT did not create noticeable effects on social well-being, it gave individual persons a respite from everyday life.
  • Some residents were overstimulated by emotions after interacting with LOVOT.
  • Health care professionals accepted the social robot and view LOVOT as a new tool in the work with persons with dementia.

Read the full article: “Use of a Social Robot (LOVOT) for Persons With Dementia: Exploratory Study“.

Ny artikel om sundhedskompetencer i Future Patient projektet er en digital værktøjskasse med information om sygdommen hjertesvigt, 80 videoer med patienter og pårørende, dialog funktion med sundhedsprofessionelle på tværs af sektorer og modul til at vise data (skridt, vægt, blodtryk, puls og søvn).

Nye resultater fra forskningsprojektet Future Patient – Telerehabilitering af hjertesvigtspatienter viser, at Hjerteportalen kan:

  • Øge patienternes digitale sundhedskompetencer
  • Øge motivation
  • Øge patienternes evne til at engagere sig i digitale medier ifm. håndtering af egen sygdom

Det er en forudsætning, at teknologien er designet til at understøtte patientbehov med hensyn til uddannelsesindholdet i programmet, og at teknologien er tilgængelig fortrinsvis tidligt i rehabiliteringsprocessen for at sikre et optimalt resultat.

Du kan læse om de nye forskningsresultater i den videnskabelige artikel (på engelsk):
Increased motivation for and use of digital services in heart failure patients participating in a telerehabilitation program: a randomized controlled trial.

Støtte fra Hjerteforeningen til nyt forskningsprojekt

Vi vil gerne takke Hjerteforeningen mange gange for økonomisk støtte på 4.306.000 kr til forskningsprojektet: Future Patient – telerehabilitering af patienter med atrieflimren (AF).

I projektet vil patienter med AF gennemgå et online samt et fysisk uddannelsesforløb. Uddannelsesforløbet vil bl.a. bestå af et monitoreringsmodul ved brug af teknologier til måling af fx blodtryk, hjerterytme, puls, skridt og søvn samt et rehabiliteringsmodul. Formålet med projektet er at øge patienternes livskvalitet og give dem og deres pårørende viden samt redskaber til at håndtere livet med atrieflimren. Projektet løber fra 1.september til 31. december 2025, og der skal inkluderes 208 patienter i et lodtrækningsforsøg. Patienter og pårørende vil have en aktiv rolle gennem hele projektet gennem et brugerpanel.


Parter i projektet er: Hjerteafdelinger på Regionshospitalet i Viborg, Skive og Silkeborg; Sundhedscentre i Viborg, Skive og Silkeborg; Psykologisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet; CIMT, OUH; DTU; Dansk Center for Klinisk Sundhedstjeneste forskning, Aalborg Universitetshospital/AAU samt Laboratorie for Velfærdteknologi – Digital Sundhed & Rehabilitering, Sports Sciences & Performance, Institut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi på Aalborg Universitet

Vi glæder os til at komme i gang.

Hvad har vi lært af COVID-19 pandemien ift. brug af digital teknologi i sundhedsvæsenet?

Kom og deltag d. 29-30. august på den internationale konference om “Digital Health Beyond Covid-19: Lessons Learned“, Aalborg Universitet (AAU) i København.

Det endelige program er nu færdigt, og kan ses her.

Du kan tilmelde dig konferencen her senest den 8. august.

Der vil være mere end 40 spændende oplæg fra over 10 forskellige lande. Konferencen er arrangeret af Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN), International Society of Telemedicine & eHealth og AAU. Tak til Novo Nordisk Fonden, som støtter konferencen.

Vi håber at se dig/jer til konferencen.


Visit from Japan

Today Laboratory for Welfare Technology – Digital Health & Rehabilitation, AAU and JD TeleTech had visitors: Anne-Marie Thoft, Invest in Denmark; Masaki Teraoka, the Royal Danish Embassy in Tokyo and Akihiro Sakurai, KMD (DNP), Yusuke Matsuura, DNP; Mika Yasuoka-Jensen, RUC; Mao Uchida Japannordic and team.

We discussed the new digitalization strategi in Denmark within digital health and research collaboration possibilities within digital health between Denmark and Japan.

So nice to be able to meet in persons again.

Job som studentermedhjælpere

Vi søger studentermedhjælpere til Laboratorie for Velfærdsteknologi – Digital Sundhed & Rehabilitering. Opgaverne favner alt fra pakning af udstyr til hjemmemonitorering, interviews af patienter, kvalitetssikring af data, udarbejde video og andet materiale til SoMe, hjælpe med afholdelse af workshops og konferencer, mv.

Se opslag her:

Deadline: 24. maj 2022.

Vi håber at se en ansøgning fra dig.