Telerehabilitering: ”Det, der motiverer mig”

Future Patients projekt Telerehabilitering af Hjertesvigtspatienter er præsenteret i to artikler fra hjerteforeningen:

Tele kan blive fremtiden

“En skridttæller, en søvnmåler og opmuntrende ord fra fysioterapeuten via computeren kan som såkaldt telerehabilitering fremover gøre hjertepatienter mere selvhjulpne og sikre, at rehabiliteringen bliver en integreret – og nemmere tilgængelig – del af hverdagen”

Læs mere her: Hjerteliv nr. 3, 2017

Telerehabilitering: ”Det, der motiverer mig”

“For Johnny Olsen fra Salling ved Skive har det været afgørende for hans efterbehandling af en hjertesygdom at deltage i rehabilitering ’på distancen’”

Læs mere her:, 6.sep.2017

Begge artikler af Louise Sjöström.

TTRN Konference, USA 2017

Global Innovation in Telehealth:
Private & Public Sector Opportunities

25-26. september 2017, Citris UC Berkeley, USA

DKs nye TECH ambassadør Kasper Klynge og forskningsattache Jeppe Olesen deltog i åbning af konferencen: Global Innovation in Telehealth – Private & Public Sector Opportunities på CITRIS UC Berkeley den 25. september. Konferencen er arrangeret af Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN) og forsætter den 26. september på UC Davis. Laboratoriet for Velfærdsteknologi præsenterer Future Patient – telerehabilitation af hjerte- og knæpatienter på konferencen.

Sponsor: CDW USA

Invitation kan hentes her.

Guest professor for two months

We are delighted to have Dr. Marcin who is a Professor and Chief of the Division of Pediatric Critical Care at the UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento in California  as a guest professor for two months this summer. We are collaborating with Dr Marcin through the Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN).

Dr. Marcin is currently the director of the Pediatric Telemedicine Program at the UC Davis Center for Health and Technology. In addition to being passionate about his clinical work in the Pediatric ICU, he conducts research in telemedicine and quality of care, particularly as it relates to acutely ill and injured children in rural and underserved Emergency Department. His team’s focus is to improve the care delivered to children throughout Northern California, and how telemedicine and other mobile technologies can be used to have UC Davis Pediatric Specialists virtually at the bedside of any child in need.

OUH Talk

Telemedicine in Pediatrics: Increasing quality and reducing costs (YouTube).

PhD kursus: Personalized Telehealth, Informatics and Person-centered Technology

Invitation til PhD kursus (gennemføres på engelsk):

Personalized Telehealth, Informatics and Person-centered Technology
– an Interdisciplinary Approach

Tid: 27. august – 1. september 2017
Sted: Aalborg Universitet


This course will give a comprehensive introduction to personalized telehealth in an interdisciplinary approach by addressing challenges in future personalized healthcare systems from design of new technologies, data mining and implementation to evaluation of telehealth programs at scale.The learning goals for the students are:

  • To give students an insight into design, testing, implementation and evaluation of personalized telehealth, informatics and patient-centered technology for patients with chronic diseases
  • To give students the possibility to create networks with other PhD students and international researchers within telehealth and health informatics

You can read more about the course in this PDF.

Future Patient er på Folkemødet 2017

Forskere fra Laboratorie for Velfærdsteknologi inviterer til paneldiskussion på Folkemødet. Debatten fokuserer på patienters deltagelse i og forventninger til fremtidens velfærdsteknologier.

Torsdag d. 15. juni afholdes to sessioner i Sverigesvejs Eventtelt (F21):

Self-tracking teknologi sætter hjertepatienter i førersædet
Tid: 13:45-14:45

Sundhedsvæsen, disruption og ny teknologi
Tid: 15:00-16:00

Download Flyer og Postkort.

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Future Patient er på Forskningens Døgn

Kom og se hvordan fremtidens hjertepatient kan holde øje med egen sygdom vha. ny teknologi (stand 9).


Forskningens Døgn 27. april 2017, 16.00-19.00
Regionshospitalet Viborg
Heibergs Allé 4
8800 Viborg