New publication: Developing a telerehabilitation programme for postoperative recovery from knee surgery

Developing a telerehabilitation programme for postoperative recovery from knee surgery:

Specifications and requirements

The development of the sensor-based telerehabilitation programme was carried out based on user needs. The programme includes a portable platform for the patient as well as a web-based platform for the healthcare professional, thus allowing for an individualised rehabilitation programme. Communication, training, reporting, and information services were provided for the patients. Moreover, the portability and usability of the programme were enhanced by utilising the system in offline mode as well. Application The programme is currently being tested in the North Denmark Region to assess the feasibility and acceptance of a telerehabilitation programme as an alternative solution to the self-training programme for patients who have been discharged from knee surgery. The preliminary results of our assessment showed a high level of acceptance among the users. Discussion In this study, a semi-online

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Ny artikel med resultater fra forskningsprojektet Teledialog

Ny artikel med resultater fra forskningsprojektet Teledialog er netop publiseret – se her.

Integration of Rehabilitation Activities Into Everyday Life Through Telerehabilitation: Qualitative Study of Cardiac Patients and Their Partners

By Dinesen et. al.


Background: Implementation of cardiac rehabilitation has not been optimal, with patient participation rates below 50%. Factors that contribute to cardiac patients’ lack of participation in rehabilitation programs are patient motivation, logistical difficulties in getting to the rehabilitation facilities, lack of psychosocial elements, and individualization of activities in the rehabilitation programs. Telerehabilitation has been proposed as a new way to address the challenge of engaging and motivating cardiac patients and their partners to participate in rehabilitation.
Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of cardiac patients and their partners of participating in the Teledialog Telerehabilitation Program (TTP). The Teledialog program consisted of a digital rehabilitation plan, transmission of health data from patient’s home to hospital and health care center, and an interactive Web portal with information and training videos.

Methods: This case study used a theoretical approach combining the “community of practice” approach and self-determination theory. A triangulation of data collection techniques was used, including documents, participant observation (72 hours), and qualitative interviews with cardiac patients and their partners enrolled in the telerehabilitation group. A total of 14 cardiac patients, 12 patient spouses/partners, and 1 son participated in the study. The participants were interviewed at enrollment in the telerehabilitation program and after 12 weeks of participation in the program. Interview data were analyzed using NVivo 11.0.

Results: Patients and their partners found the Web portal and the electronic rehabilitation (e-rehabilitation) plan to be helpful tools for health education, coordinating rehabilitation goals, creating an overview of the data, and ensuring continuity in the rehabilitation process. The patients felt that the TTP treated them as individuals, gave them a sense of autonomy, and provided enhanced relatedness to health care professionals and partners and a sense of competence as active participants in their own rehabilitation process. Some patients missed being part of a community of practice with other cardiac patients and did not use the Web forum. Patients’ partners found that the telerehabilitation program gave them a sense of security and helped them balance their involvement as a partner to the patient and not push the patient too hard.

Conclusions: Cardiac patients and their partners found telerehabilitation technologies a useful digital toolbox in the rehabilitation process. Telerehabilitation motivated the patients to integrate rehabilitation activities into their work schedule and everyday life and made them feel like unique individuals. Participating in the Teledialog Telerehabilitation Program might not be a suitable strategy for all cardiac patients. Being a patient’s partner in the telerehabilitation program was associated with a heightened sense of security, navigation between active involvement in the rehabilitation process, being an equal partner, and not pushing the patient too hard.

Minister ser på Hjerteportalen

Finansminister Kristian Jensen ser på Hjerteportalen
Overlæge Malene Hollingdal og Finansminister Kristian Jensen. Foto: Marianne Balsby, leder af Skive Sundhedscenter

Finansminister Kristian Jensen har i den forgange uge besøgt Skive Sundhedshus. I den forbindelse blev ministeren præsenteret for af overlæge Malene Hollingdal fra Hjerteafdelingen, Regionshospitalet Viborg & Skive.

Hjerteportalen er udviklet til hjertesvigtspatienter i forskningsprojektet Future Patient.

Læs mere om Future Patient projektet her.

Fond investerer 5 millioner kr…

Fond investerer 5 millioner kroner i bedre rehabilitering, livskvalitet og tryghed for patienter med hjertesygdom

Aalborg Universitet og Regionshospitalet Viborg bygger videre på en fælles succes. Telerehabiliteringsprojektet “Future Patient”, som oprindelig var for patienter med hjertesvigt, bliver i version II udvidet, så også patienter med atrieflimren kommer med.

Moderne sundhedsteknologi kan forbedre behandlingen af patienter med hjertesvigt og give dem en tryghed og en livskvalitet, som en booking til et fremtidigt ambulatoriebesøg ikke kan hamle op med.
Det viser telerehabiliteringsprojektet “Future Patient”, som Aalborg Universitet og Regionshospitalet Viborgs afdeling for hjertesygdomme afsluttede i 2018. Resultaterne har været så lovende, at parterne nu er klare med en plan for udbygning af konceptet. En donation på 5 millioner kroner fra Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond sikrer, at “Future Patient II” kan føres ud i livet.

Future Patient I var for patienter med hjertesvigt. Projektet tilbød blandt andet overvågning via en online-portal ved hjælp af digitalt måleudstyr samt kommunikation via iPad med hjerteklinik og sundhedscenter. Resultaterne har overbevist forskerne om, at de bærende ideer rummer et endnu større potentiale for udbredelse og optimering. Forskningsdonationen skal blandt andet finansiere en udvidelse af hjerteportalen, så den også kan rumme patienter med atrieflimren, samt test og indførelse af en algoritme, der blev udviklet i Future Patient I, og som bruger hjerteportalens mange patientdata til at forudsige en forværring i patientens tilstand. Det vil betyde, at hjertelægerne kan afværge, at en situation udvikler sig kritisk og måske kræver indlæggelse.

Læs hele pressemeddelelsen fra Hospitalsenhed Midt, Region Midtjylland, og find kontaktpersoner her.