Så går Future Patient – telerehabilitering af hjertesvigtpatienter II igang

Med en HjertePortal.dk version 2.0 integreret med video VDX udlånt af Medcom opstarter vi anden del af Future Patient projektet.

Vi har haft workshop med Viborg- og Skive Sundhedscentre og i næste uge har vi forberedende møder med Hjerteklinikken på Regionshospitalet i Viborg. Vi er nu parate til at støtte “hjertesvigtspatienterne i at køre bilen” – det vil sige at styre egen sygdom ved hjælp af wearables til måling af skridt, søvn, puls, videosamtaler med sundhedsprofessionelle og en interaktiv hjemmeside.

Vi glæder os til at komme igang. Forskningsprojektet er støttet af Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond samt alle parter i projektet.

I kan følge projektet her.

Virtual PhD boat trip

The Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN) & CITRIS, UC Berkeley Summer Institute is having the 4th international PhD course these days. This year it is virtual due to the Covid-19 situation.

Today I have given a lecture on Social Robots & AI and we have had good discussions. We have 28 participants from the USA, China, Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore and Denmark. Every year we have a tradition on taking a boat tour during the PhD course – this year it is a virtual boat trip.

virtual boat trip

Next year the TTRN & Citris UC Berkeley Summer Institute will be held at Aalborg University.

Telerehabilitation for Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis

A Focused Review of Technologies and Teleservices

A review of service delivery and technologies in telerehabilitation programs for patients with knee osteoarthritis has been performed since the year of 2000. The conclusion is that video-based telerehabilitation programs can be considered the best alternative solution to conventional treatment. Sensor-based solutions have also become more popular due to rapid developments in sensor technology. Communication and human-generated feedback remain as important as monitoring and intervention services.

The article is available here

PhD course: TTRN – CITRIS International Summer Institute

Transatlantic Telehealth Research Network (TTRN) & Citris UC Berkeley Summer Institute will be held virtually August 9 – 11 and August 24 – 26, 2020. You can still sign up for the course.

The 2020 topics include research methods and approaches for health informatics, tele- and digital-health, plus a special focus on data science, real-world evidence, robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, predictive analytics, and associated data governance and ethical-legal issues.

2020 Program Chair: Katherine Kim.

Scientific Program Committee: Birthe Dinesen, Nick Anderson, Kristian Kidholm, David Lindeman, and Student Representative Cynthia Matsumoto.

Read more at this link: summerinstitute.faculty.ucdavis.edu/2020-program/

Direct any questions to personalizedhealth@ucdavis.edu

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