Nordic Research Network in Telerehabilitation

aka. “Nordic Telerehab“.


The main objective is to create an arena to gather research and healthcare institutions from the Nordic countries and industry partners which work with /or are interested in the field of telerehabilitation.
Specific objectives of the network include:

  • To increase the quality of life of patients/citizens with a chronic disease or impairment by the use of new technologies
  • To involve patients /citizens in the process of developing, testing and continuous evaluation of telerehabilitation technologies and programs
  • To ease the workflows of healthcare professionals in the work and collaboration with patients/citizens with a chronic disease or impairment
  • To collaborate on developing, testing and evaluating new telerehabilitation between universities, hospitals, municipalities and industry in the Nordic countries
  • To facilitate the development of new research methodology, products, methods, and solutions for screening and rehabilitation purposes in private/public partnerships within the Nordic countries

Network organization

The network will be organized in the following working groups: Research, healthcare and industry group.

Research Group

  • The Norwegian Center for e-health Research
  • Department of Community Medicine and rehabilitation, Physiotherapy, Umeå University, Sweden
  • PROGREZ Slagelse Hospital, University of Southern Denmark, DK
  • Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital, Norway
  • University of Oslo, Norway
  • Department of Clinical Medicine, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
  • Universitetssykehuset Nord, Avdeling for fysikalsk medisin og rehabilitering, Norway
  • Karolinska Institute, Stockholm
  • Senter for hjertetrening, Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste Trening som medisin, St. Olavs Hospital, Norge
  • Senter for Hjertetrening, Institutt for Sirkulasjon og Bildediagnostikk , Medisinske Fakultet, NTNU, Norway
  • Laboratory of welfare technologies – Telehealth & Telerehabilitation, Aalborg University, DK
  • More partners are welcome

Healthcare Group

  • Norrland University Hospital, Umeå, Sweden
  • Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital, Norway
  • PROGREZ, Slagelse Hospital, DK
  • Viborg Municipality, DK
  • Skive Municipality, DK
  • Esbjerg Municipality, DK
  • Indre Østfold Municipalities, Norway
  • Cardiology Ward, Viborg Hospital, DK
  • Southern-West Hospital Esbjerg, DK
  • University Hospital of North Norway; Norway
  • Landsforeningen for Hjerte- og Lungesyke (LHL), Norway
  • More partners are welcome

Industrial Group

Companies within telerehabilitation and welfare technologies will be invited to be part of upcoming research and innovation projects within new technologies and invited to participate in activities like workshops, seminars, conferences, Webinars, etc.

Action Plan

Will be avaible spring 2019

More information

For more information, please contact Professor Birthe Dinesen, email: bid(at)